VÃctor Cerdà ,
University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Víctor Cerdà, born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Graduated and PhD in Chemistry by the University of Barcelona. Lecturer of several universities: Barcelona, Tarragona, Valladolid. Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry in 1982 at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). He has conducted 41 Ph.D. Thesis, written 14 books, and has collaborated with 14 chapters in other scientific books. He has published 620 papers and presented 847 contributions in national and international symposia. Chief Researcher of projects funded by the CAICyT, DGICyT, CICyT, BCR (EU), ALFA (EU), AECI, MCyT, and conducted a number of contracts usually related with environmental subjects with different firms (TIRME, MAC INSULAR, ENDESA, etc) and institutions (BCR, Nuclear Security Council, etc). His main research lines is related with the development of new automatic methods in Analytical Chemistry and their application to environmental and pharmaceutical samples. Has been organizer and chairman of more than 15 international symposia. Has been the Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and the first Head of the Department of Chemistry of the UIB. Has been Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry.
Abstract : Hyphenation of lab-in-syringe with chromatographic techniques