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Víctor Cerdà,

Víctor Cerdà,

University of the Balearic Islands, Spain

Title: Hyphenation of lab-in-syringe with chromatographic techniques


Biography: Víctor Cerdà,


The lab-in-syringe (LIS) is a new technique which has proven to be a very powerful for pre-concentration, cleaning and elimination of interferences in the determination of very different types of organic and inorganic compounds. It can be applied in liquid-liquid or liquid-solid extraction with good results. Its coupling with big instrumentation is especially interesting, such as chromatographic techniques (HPLC, Multi-syringe chromatography, CG and CG/MS) and atomic spectroscopy (graphic camera, ICP_OES, ICP-MS, atomic fluorescence), which provides a great selectivity and sensitivity in the determinations